We’re excited to announce that a new Persian Lesson Pack is available in StoryMaker 2, which you can . Beginning with a comprehensive revision of the lessons by our curriculum team in V2, the lessons were then rewritten into a new story path format, and all 48,000 words were professionally translated into Persian.

How to change the language to Persian inside of StoryMaker v2.

How to change the language to Persian inside of StoryMaker v2.

To make the content even easier to use for Persian speakers in Iran and elsewhere Brian Conley oversaw production of localized multimedia files in Kurdistan a few weeks back. The lessons now contain about 100 unique Persian examples to make the lessons as relevant  as possible for a Persian audience.

The new pack contains 49 lessons, covering a range of subjects including: story theory, journalism, security, audio, video and photo production. The lessons have hundreds of multimedia files integrated in to make concepts approachable and easy to understand.

Here are some examples from the new packs

What are the important shots to capture when photographing a protest?


How do you obscurE your subjects face?

\n","version":"1.0","type":"video","thumbnail_height":360,"authorName":"StoryMaker","authorUrl":"http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVGAtXbdT-n7fuDwuutUkYQ","providerName":"YouTube","providerUrl":"http://www.youtube.com/","thumbnailUrl":"http://i.ytimg.com/vi/C5hQd6YknoM/hqdefault.jpg","resolveObject":"Video","resolvedBy":"youtube","resolved":true}" data-block-type="22" id="block-yui_3_17_2_6_1429739478539_27816">

One Click Playback

With the latest improvements in StoryMaker 2, video and audio files play directly in the lesson, making it faster and easier to review why the lessons are important while seeing and hearing them at the same time.

Videos play directly in the lesson.

Videos play directly in the lesson.


Each lesson ends with a quiz to allow you to test yourself on what you learned.


Each lesson ends with its own quiz.

Each lesson ends with its own quiz.

We look forward to your feedback on the lessons, our curriculum team is continuing to iterate and explore the best use case.

This is only a sample of the content available in the app, go get the app now to see it all. Keep an eye out on social media because we’re going to continue sharing some of our favorite content on YouTube, SoundCloud, and Flickr over the next few weeks as well.



Link: https://smallworldnews.com/blog/persian-lesson-pack-available