This comprehensive guide provides instruction on how to run a five-day workshop using StoryMaker to produce multimedia stories with mobile devices. The guide is organized as a workbook for trainers and provides a schedule for each day of the workshop, teaching resources, training tips, examples and video testimonials from several of our top trainers.
Using social media for reporting is very differently than using it in your personal life. News organizations new and old have to learn best practices for integrating social media fully into news coverage. Social media can no longer be an afterthought. From Tweeting breaking news to enlisting your audience in reporting stories, a news organization’s staff and workflow need to be structured to make it happen.
Whether it is coverage of a breaking news story or a long-term community issue media organizations of all types need have a strategic plan for coverage throughout a story’s evolution. This often begins with some promotion, pre-reporting and simple social media outreach. It can end with an elaborate investigative-style video package. This guide will help you organize a coverage plan to reach a broad audience with strong stories.
The Internet and the mobile environment are fundamentally visual environments. Photos are the basic building block; they are easy to upload and require no shared language among producers and viewers. But, producing technically strong photos that tell a story can be harder than many people realize. From basic tech tips to principles of good composition and ethics, this guide will help you get the most out of mobile photography.
Video is the fastest growing type of media online. International news organizations are always looking for good mobile video about important stories produced locally. But video that looks and sounds professional is a challenge to create, especially with a mobile device. This guides will walk you through planning your video, understand basic shot types, and sequencing and editing professional-quality video.
Audio remains the mostly widely consumes type of media, especially in regions of the world with low literacy rates and limited access to Internet technology. Good audio narration is also essential to video storytelling. This guide provides instruction on how to script, present and record high-quality narration with mobile for both audio and video stories. The guide also provides some suggestion about microphone choose and tips for producing technically strong audio recordings.
Telecommunications through tools like affordable satellite phones have made international communication possible for people in a way that was unthinkable only a few years ago. Yet these tools are not without risk. As the tools become easier to use, tracking and recording conversations has become easier too. Understanding not just how to use a satellite phone but how to use it safely is essential. This guide provides basic instruction on satellite use as well as guidelines for using them securely through encryption, spoken codes and management of phone memory.
Increasingly important international stories are being reported by activists and citizen journalists with mobile tools rather than by professional journalists with training and the backing of a large news organization. Producing quality coverage of high-risk environments can be dangerous -- and with no guarantee that a story will get out. This comprehensive guide provides instruction on how to report and structure strong stories safely. It also provides guidelines on how to safely get those stories out to the global community.